ASUS V7700 Deluxe
ASUS is well known for their superb motherboards, which are highly regarded within the hardware community. This Taiwanese manufacturer has excelled in semiconductor market in the past year, with such releases as the CUSL2, which was one of the first motherboards to be based on Intel's i815E chipset. What are their strengths? Stability, and features.
Contrary to popular belief ASUS is not a novice in the graphic card market, but they are veterans. This veteran status really began with the release of their popular TNT based V3400, which received excellent reviews. From that point on ASUS entered a much bigger arena, in which manufacturers such as Creative Labs fight for the crown, and your money. Each manufacturer has its own strategy to make their card distinguishable from the competition; Hercules has added RAM-heatsinks, Creative Labs has reduced their prices, and ASUS has decided to tackle this issue with features, and lots of them. This is not surprising because they have done this in the past, with the "Deluxe" version of their V6600 and V6800 cards. Today we are looking at their latest offering, which is very similar to the V6600/V6800 Deluxe, but is based on the newest NVIDIA GeForce 2 GTS from NVIDIA.
V7700 Features (Courtesy of ASUS)
is Powered by the Latest 2nd Generation GPU
World's First GigaTexel
Shading GPU |
shading control |
128-bit DDR Memory |
Hardware Full-scene
anti-aliasing |
AGP support |
0.18 inch micro technology |
1/2 the power dissipation
of GeForce256TM |
100 percent software
compatible with GeForce256TM |
TexelTM Shading Mechanism
256-bit Parallel
Pixel-Pipe Design |
Per-pixel dot
product 3 bump mapping
Full speed dual-texture
pixel-fill capacity |
8 texels per clock
shader |
1.6GB/s texels
(800M pixels) fill rate
NVIDIA shading
rasterized (NSR) featuring
SmartDoctorTM Technologies
Take care of your
valuable system to provide the best safety with |
Technology |
Dynamic Overclocking
Over-heat Protection
Fan RPM Monitoring
AGP Power Level
Monitoring |
VideoSecurity Features
The auto-notification
system serves as your private security or reception system |
Detects and monitors
any environmental deviation from the user-configurable norm |
Users can define
the response procedures once any unusual condition is detected |
Capture the detected
unusual condition in high quality AVI file |
Take a single/multiple
snapshots of the detected object
Send a warning
e-mail with photo to the user-defined address
Make a phone call
to the user-defined phone number
Execute other
security control programs
Full digital technology
used is better than VCR-type video security systems |
Four Independent Pipelined
Engines |
3D performance |
25M triangles/sec |
- Sustained DMA, tranform/clip/light,
setup, rasterize and render rate |
Super-piplelined design |
- Very low latency between
engines |
Quality Video Playback
DVD Acceleration |
Full frame rate DVD to
1080i resolution |
Full precision subpixel
accuracy to 1/16 pixel |
Overlay |
5 horizontal, 3 vertical
taps |
8:1 up/down scaling |
Independent hue, saturation
and brightness controls in hardware |
4X with Fast Write
Enables CPU to send data
directly to GPU |
System memory bus free
to perform other functions |
Balanced design increases
overall system performance |
2D Performance
256-bit 2D rendering pipeline |
4 pixels per clock on
all scaled and indexed image operations |
1GB/s CPU-to-GPU memory
via AGP 4X with Fast Writes |
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