3dfx Voodoo3 3500 TV

by Anand Lal Shimpi on August 3, 1999 2:29 AM EST


The Voodoo3 3500 TV gets considerably warmer than any other current generation graphics card, including the TNT2 Ultra and the Voodoo3 3000. This is due to a combination of factors, primarily the 183MHz clock of the 3500's core as well as the addition of the second voltage regulator used for the Phillips FM/TV tuner.

Since the 3500 TV is an AGP solution, in most Slot-1 systems, it will be placed in close proximity to your CPU, another major producer of heat in your system. Without a well cooled case, the addition of the 3500 to any system can potentially increase the chances of heat related crashes during normal operation.

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During normal operation (running through a few tests in 3DMark 99) the TNT2 Ultra core is the coolest at 127 degrees F, followed by the Voodoo3 3000 and then the 3500 at a steamy 151 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep in mind that the TNT2 Ultra is being cooled by a heatsink/fan combo while the 3000 and 3500 are limited to their heatsinks alone. Even with that taken into consideration, the 3500 does get extremely hot. But what affect does that have on the rest of your system?

We conducted a series of temperature tests, centering around normal gaming usage of the cards and took the ambient case temperature over a period of 2 hours per test. The temperatures were recorded every 6 seconds and the end result was averaged and graphed below.

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An idle system, just sitting at the Windows desktop with a Pentium III 600 and a 5400 RPM Ultra ATA 33 HDD gave us a starting point of 105 degrees (F) in the generic test case we were using. The case was a roomy mid tower ATX with the only fans operating being the power supply fan, and the fan on the CPU (and on the graphics card in the case of the TNT2 Ultra). The TNT2 Ultra, while running Quake 3 and Expendable increased the ambient temperature by 11 degrees and the Voodoo3 3000 provided an increase of 13 degrees. The 3500 went above and beyond both of those contributors by increasing the ambient case temperature a full 18 degrees.

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