Power Consumption and Thermal Performance

The power consumption at the wall was measured with a 1080p display being driven through the HDMI port. In the graphs below, we compare the idle and load power of the ASRock Beebox-S 6200U with other low power PCs evaluated before. For load power consumption, we ran the AIDA64 System Stability Test with various stress components, and noted the maximum sustained power consumption at the wall.

Idle Power Consumption

Load Power Consumption (AIDA64 SST)

ASRock's configuration of the Beebox-S platform for better performance has the unfortunate side-effect of driving up the idle power consumption. The load power consumption is higher than the NUC6i5SYK despite operating at default TDPs likely because the Beebox-S has configured the OPI for higher performance, while the NUC65SYK numbers presented in this review are all with the original power-saving configuration.


Our thermal stress routine starts with the system at idle, followed by four stages of different system loading profiles using the AIDA64 System Stability Test (each of 30 minutes duration). In the first stage, we stress the CPU, caches and RAM. In the second stage, we add the GPU to the above list. In the third stage, we stress the GPU standalone. In the final stage, we stress all the system components (including the disks). Beyond this, we leave the unit idle in order to determine how quickly the various temperatures in the system can come back to normal idling range. The various clocks, temperatures and power consumption numbers for the system during the above routine are presented in the graphs below.

According to the official specifications, the junction temperature of the Core i5-6200U is 100C. The thermal solution employed in the Beebox-S 6200U is quite effective in keeping the CPU core / package temperature well below that even under maximum stress. The only disappointing aspect is the SSD temperature which goes close to 70C under stress. Due to the absence of any sort of thermal solution for the M.2 SSD, the drive also takes a very long time to get back to idling temperature In fact, even after 7 hours of removing the stress routine on the disk, the SSD temperature was more than 60C.

The power consumption characteristics provide more information about the TDP configuration. We see that the maximum CPU package power consumption is around 20W. This should be compared against the 23W and 28W numbers for the NUC6i5SYK and similar Haswell-based GIGABYTE BRIX units respectively.

The Beebox-S 6200U is actively cooled, and the chassis is not made of metal. Subjecting it to stress doesn't lead to unsafe internal temperatures. Therefore, the external chassis temperatures / hot spots are not much of a concern.

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  • tipoo - Wednesday, August 10, 2016 - link

    I like how they'll keep including CDs after they removed DVD slots, lol
  • BrokenCrayons - Wednesday, August 10, 2016 - link

    Yeah, that is sort of silly. It probably boils down to cost. Cheap little USB drives are several dollars whereas a disc is a few pennies and can't be accidentally erased by the end user...though you could write protect any other storage medium too.
  • Chaitanya - Wednesday, August 10, 2016 - link

    There are couple of NAND based products that follow: write once read many scheme. I wouldnt mind having a read only USB flashdrive containing drivers and bios for safe fall back option.
  • ganeshts - Wednesday, August 10, 2016 - link

    Yes, Zotac and GIGABYTE do that. ASRock is following the feedback from this article, so they will be getting the message :)
  • thegreenhundred - Wednesday, August 10, 2016 - link

    Or we can save the OEM a few bucks and lots of supply chain/production work by downloading & backing up any drivers we want for the infamous "what if" scenereos........ that and getting said drivers from component vendors is likely to give much newer/better versions of said drivers than what the OEM could assemble at time of production.
  • BrokenCrayons - Thursday, August 11, 2016 - link

    It's good to know ASRock is taking feedback into account. Even if the company elects to continue shipping products with drivers on discs, the fact that they're at least considering feedback at all says a lot of nice things about them.
  • Shiitaki - Sunday, August 14, 2016 - link

    What Asrock and the rest of the PC industry should be looking at is a proper drive curation system. Microsoft COULD be better here. Any modern UEFI motherboard should be able to phone home for firmware updates and even download a driver package. If Apple can pull this off, then the board manufactures certainly could as well. After all you would only need to write the UEFI app once and then include it in every firmware upgrade. Even older boards could be upgraded retroactively. The option to dump them on to a flash drive should be a standard method. That way real drivers and firmware updates are both easy and available. Though Microsoft should be releasing updated images every month instead of every OS release.
  • Ro_Ja - Wednesday, August 10, 2016 - link

    I'd still pick the Intel NUC6i5SYK over this. Is the Samsung 950 Pro more expensive than Samsung SM951? Sorry guys I'm really new to these things.
  • fanofanand - Wednesday, August 10, 2016 - link

    I was thinking the same thing, the 5SYK has much better Wi-Fi, a faster processor, and though it would be about $90 more if the SSD capacity were identical, you would also be getting Intel QC. Slightly better timings on the RAM used on the 5SYK as well. I am still holding out hope that I can get one of these for my son instead of building out a rig. I don't think we are quite there yet. Great for office and light browsing, facebook etc., but still not ready for primetime.
  • jaydee - Wednesday, August 10, 2016 - link

    I'm not sure you're looking at this the right way. The i5-6200 CPU should be faster than the i5-5250U. The RAM typically doesn't come supplied with either unit, you buy/install whichever you want. The Wifi card is an easy replacement for either, I wouldn't let that be a determining factor either.

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