Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/3017
I don't know what it is, but today I've been stuck behind the slowest drivers around. And when I mean slow, I mean disgustingly slow to the point where a line of cars forms behind the offending vehicle. Of course the drivers are usually oblivious or apathetic to the situation at hand, which leads me to the moral of this story: people need to be more considerate of others.
I will not demand chivalry nor am I asking for us all to be saints, but what I would like to see is more people doing nice gestures for one another and taking other people into consideration on a regular basis. I'm talking about the simple things; holding a door open for someone, actually giving people a meaningful "thank you" and of course, not severely holding up traffic :)
Think about how often your day has been ruined just because of the tone of someone's voice (there are a million different ways to bring up an issue with someone, and believe it or not but the vast majority of them don't come off as scolding), yet I'm amazed by the number of people that will feel that way yet go on and do the same to others. I'm not saying you all do it but I'm saying that there has to be a way to bring more people to the realization of the problem and the relatively simple ways to go about making things better.
There's my rant for the day, I'd like to hear your thoughts. Am I crazy or does this make sense? :)