Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/3009
Between getting back from New Haven and packing and heading down to the keys for Derek's wedding, I didn't have much time to drop in and say hello - for that I apologize.
We just got back last night and the wedding was beautiful. I'd never been down to the Keys before but now that I have I can say that it is one of the most beautiful/relaxing places I've seen in my short life. Unfortunately the weather down there was a bit "chilly" during the two days we were there, but the 77F temperatures in Jacksonville on the drive up were quite enjoyable. I am officially sick of driving and as long as I can help it, I will not be making any more long journeys via car anywhere. Driving in a straight line with cruise control on just doesn't do it for me.
Wesley managed to get up our first Newcastle preview on Monday, I'm working on a more thorough followup however that will have to wait until after Christmas. Speaking of which, I've got to run out and handle some last minute shopping so I should probably get on that. At least the drive to the mall won't be too long :)
Before I leave I wanted to wish you all the best, regardless of what you celebrate. It's been a great year serving you all and I hope everyone can end it in the best way possible. My genuine thanks and appreciation to all of you; and to all of your families - enjoy the holidays. I hope life has treated all of you well and for those times that it hasn't, I hope that it has left you with other sunny days to brighten up the whole.
Take care and have a Merry Christmas (or Techmas if you don't celebrate it ;)...)