MP3-CD Playback
The DISP button to the right of the display toggles between filename, ID3 song title, ID3 artist, directory name, song time display, and the clock. If all you're MP3's have proper ID3 tags, you'll probably want to just leave it on the ID3 song title.

Click to Enlarge

If not, the filename display may be the better option, or you can simply switch the display depending on the song that comes on.

Click to Enlarge


If any of the above information is longer than the 10 character display, the information simply scrolls across to allow you to see it all. If ID3 tags are not included with a particular MP3, you'll get the words "None" in the display when you try to view such info.

Click to Enlarge

We wish Aiwa had ditched the VU meter display and given us another line of text, which would open up quite a few options, including simultaneously viewing artist and song title from the ID3 tag or directory and file name. Even better yet would be smaller text, but with many more characters.

MP3-CD's MP3 Playback (continued)
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