Intel Quietly Introduces 945 with a Roar
Intel has been relatively quiet recently, with the exception of their incredible dual core showing at the most recent IDF.
In their recent tradition of being silent about things, Intel has quietly launched their mainstream 945 chipset. The 945 chipset's most attractive feature is its support for Intel's dual core processors and the fact that it is Intel's most affordable chipset with dual core support.

Intel had an absolutely massive wall full of 945 based motherboards at the show. It was by far the largest wall of motherboards of a single chipset present at the show.

Interestingly enough, only a couple of the motherboards were BTX solutions - a big change from previous shows where Intel had shown tons of BTX samples.

The other unique thing for Intel platforms at the show seems to be pseudo-SLI for Intel 945/955 chipsets. Motherboard manufacturers are outfitting their Intel based motherboards with two PCI Express x16 slots; although, only one is electrically a x16, whereas the other is a x4.

Of course, without NVIDIA driver support, you can't actually run in SLI mode on 945 motherboards - although NVIDIA claims that they are working on supporting Intel's chipsets.
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Dmitheon - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - link
G70 behind closed door? Boo!Imaginer - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - link
But with Iwill's dual SFF, no RAMDisk for you unless one is made with PCI-E slots in mind.Googer - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - link
ATI's GPU accelarated VIDEO playback, now that is something to get excited about. So is iWILL's new SFF dual sokcket, dual core, Dual HTT, and DUAL GPU SLI.Googer - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - link
#1 SSD is not a new technology, so there is really nothing to be exicted about. If you wan't one you can go out and buy one here and now, then have it installed then next day after you get it from UPS.AnnihilatorX - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - link
#1 Solid state HDD s are not impressive at all. They are simple technology and simple to implement. It's just that the memory chips are expensive and data densit not high enough so they are so rare and considered a premium thing to get hold with.avijay - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - link
Interesting to see more things about server implementations.Brian23 - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - link
None of that was as impressive as the solid state hard drive.