Internet Application Performance with PowerNow!

Other than word processing, browsing the net is another fairly simple task that does not require an incredible amount of power. Needless to say, the performance difference that exists between the K6-2+ running at 550MHz and the processor running in Auto mode should be negligible.

The minuscule difference in performance here is definitely worth the added battery life.



We get the same story under Windows Media Encoder 4, the test doesn't take a noticeable performance hit in Auto mode at all.

Office Performance with PowerNow! 2D Imaging Performance with PowerNow!
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  • Dr AB - Saturday, May 9, 2020 - link

    PowerNow! - a very clever idea back then to dynamically adjust cpu freq & VID output. The same idea still exists in today's day and age. No wonder where did intel took the inspiration from.

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