Gigabyte GA-GF2560 SDR GeForce

by Matthew Witheiler on February 11, 2000 12:16 AM EST

As can be seen in the benchmarks, SDR card speeds do not vary much from card to card. This is a result of two things: the identical clock and memory speeds between the cards and the use of the reference design. Even cards that are not reference designed, such as the ASUS V6600 Deluxe and the ELSA ERAZOR X, do not show much difference in pure speed. Compared to a DDR GeForce, the SDR GA-GF2560 performs a maximum of 49% slower at 1024x768x32 due to the large reliance of memory at this resolution. When overclocked, this difference drops to 17% slower. Compared to the stock speeds, the overclocked card (160/204 MHz) performs a maximum of 27% faster at 1024x768x32, a welcome speed improvement for any gamer. In fact, the GA-GF2560 when overclocked actually beats one of our fastest DDR cards tested: the ASUS V6800 Deluxe. The difference of 1%, however, will rarely be seen.

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